Posts in Personal Development
Unmasking Self-Sabotage: How to Break the Cycle and Boost Your Mental Fitness (Mental Fitness Series, Part 1)

Do you ever feel like your own worst enemy? If you constantly get in your own way, sabotaging your goals and happiness, you're not alone. In this blog, we'll explore the hidden forces behind self-sabotage and how to outsmart your inner critic to achieve the success you deserve.

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Optimize Your Everyday Breath for Better Health [Empowering Breath Series #3]

Did you know that on average, we take about 22,000 breaths a day? I find that wild to think about. Yet, automatic as our breath may be, our breathing habits can often fall short of optimal. Over time, this can have a profound impact on our mental and physical health. In my latest blog, I delve into how to optimize our everyday breath. It's not as sexy as an out of body breathwork experience, but much more practical and impactful. 😄 So if you've ever caught yourself mouth-breathing or noticed your breath feels rushed and uneven, this read is tailored just for you. Let's embark on a journey toward mindful, healthful breathing together.

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Dream Blockers: #9 Self-Doubt and How to Overcome It

Is self-doubt dimming your potential? In week 9 of our series on common obstacles to pursuing our goals, we delve into powerful strategies to conquer self-doubt and pave the way to our dreams. Embrace compassion, acknowledge your learning journey, and surround yourself with supporters. Read now for actionable steps to boost your confidence along this journey.

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Dream Blockers: #5 Overwhelm

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of your big dreams and goals? If so, you're not alone. Overwhelm is a common experience, but it doesn't have to hold you back from achieving your dreams.

In this blog post, I share a few practices that have helped me overcome overwhelm and move forward on my goals.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, I encourage you to read this blog post and try out some of these practices. With a little effort, you can overcome overwhelm and start moving towards your goals.

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Dream Blockers: #1 Perfectionism

Pursuing our dreams is a transformative journey, but we often encounter obstacles that hinder our progress. These "dream blockers" can discourage and demotivate us, preventing us from reaching our full potential. Over the next 10 weeks, we'll explore common dream blockers and provide insights on how to overcome them, paving the way for a more purposeful pursuit of your dreams. Let's get started!

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Conflict Can Be a Gift - 6 Steps to Better Conflict Management

Being in a conflict with someone is draining. It can leave you frustrated, angry, and resentful. As a result, we see it as a bad thing and tend to avoid it. This can lead to it festering and growing.  But what if we could see conflict as an opportunity to deepen our relationship with others or an opportunity for personal growth? Here's how.

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Increase Your Self-Compassion

Self-compassion is an overlooked skill that can really enhance the quality of your life. It gives you the strength you need to keep going despite life’s normal setbacks and obstacles. It also helps you be more compassionate with others.

And when you practice it, it can have a wonderful ripple effect on those around you - giving them the “permission” to be compassionate with themselves as well. It’s a win-win.

What exactly is self-compassion? It’s your ability to relate to yourself in a way that’s forgiving, accepting, and loving even when you fail, or when things are sub-optimal.

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Create An Extraordinary Year (Part 3)

In my last two blogs, I discussed a couple steps you can take to create an extraordinary year for yourself (or whatever adjective inspires you - an amazing, joyful, healthy or adventurous year, etc.). The first step is noticing how your saboteur thoughts might be blocking you from pursuing your dreams. When you shine the light on them, own them and question them, you weaken their hold on you and open up the space to pursue them. The second step is taking the time to visualize your dream in detail, so you can feel the fun and excitement of it NOW instead of later. It will increase your chances of sticking to your commitment and following through. Today, I want to discuss the third step - planning the details and taking your first tiny step. There are so many ways to plan, from creating a super detailed plan to outlining a general blueprint.

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