Dream Blockers: #9 Self-Doubt and How to Overcome It

Welcome to week 9 of our journey through common dream blockers. This time, we're diving into the murky waters of self-doubt and how to rise above it.

Self-doubt, that sneaky inner voice, has a way of chipping away at our confidence and belief in our own abilities. It's the echo of thoughts like:

“I don’t have the skills for this.”

"Who am I to chase after this dream?"

"What if I stumble?"

"They're so much better at this than me!"


It wears many masks and often feels like a close cousin to the infamous "imposter syndrome." It's that nagging feeling that we're not good enough, and everyone else has it all figured out.


But here's the secret: This feeling is perfectly normal. Most of us grapple with it, especially when we step into uncharted territory. I certainly did when I changed careers, travelled alone with my kids for 3.5 months, and moved to Australia. The impact it has on us boils down to the lens through which we view it and the meaning we assign to it.


So, how do we kick self-doubt to the curb when it comes knocking? It's a skill that requires practice, so be patient with yourself as you integrate these approaches into your mindset.


  1. Embrace Compassion: Shower yourself with kindness and understanding. Expect self-doubt to make an appearance, and greet it with a nod. Recognize that feeling it might just mean you're venturing into something you deeply care about, something with the potential for genuine impact. It's often a sign that you're on the right path.

  2. Acknowledge Your Learning Potential: Take a moment to appreciate where you currently stand on your journey. If you're a novice, that's perfectly okay. Trust in your ability to learn and unravel the intricacies of your grand dream one step at a time. Sometimes, it helps to reflect on how far you've come, but remember, your past doesn't dictate your future.

  3. Let Go of Perfectionism: Release the need for flawless execution. You don't have to know it all right now. Embrace vulnerability and openly admit that you're still learning. It's a universal experience. Your work doesn't need to be perfect; it just needs to be a step forward. Perfectionism, on the other hand, can keep you stagnant for far too long. Focus on that next move. If you're unsure of it, seek guidance. That's what successful people do.

  4. Surround Yourself with Supporters: Seek out those who lift you up and cheer you on. Constructive feedback is invaluable and propels you forward. Conversely, surrounding yourself with fellow self-doubters only buries your dreams deeper. If you find that your support circle is lacking, consider enlisting a coach, joining a group, or even starting one yourself.

If self-doubt continues to be a hurdle on your path, don't hesitate to reach out.  I’m here to help you break free and chase your dreams with confidence. Remember, you've got this!

If you missed the first 8 weeks of our series on common obstacles to your big dreams and goals, you can catch up on them here: 

#1 Perfectionism

#2 Lack of Clarity

#3 Judgement from Others

#4 Low Self-Worth

#5 Overwhelm

#6 Poor Emotional Regulation

#7 Fear of Failure

#8 Poor Planning