Dream Blockers: #10 Not Enough Time and How To Overcome It

Hello Dream Chasers! Welcome to Week 10 of our journey together through common dream blockers. Today we’re tackling the notorious time dilemma.

In the whirlwind of the 21st century, we're all familiar with the chorus of "I don't have enough time." It's a sentiment I hear often. Yet, if I had a dollar for every time... well, you get the idea!

Yes, life is demanding, and economic challenges are real. However, let's talk about the average 2.5 hours spent on social media and another equal chunk on TV daily. Imagine what could be accomplished with even a fraction of that time devoted to your dreams!

Here's a mic drop for you: You can allocate 5-60 minutes a day for your big dreams and goals.

Still not convinced? Perhaps you're the exception. But if you're harboring that nagging feeling that you could be doing more towards your big goals, read on. Here are three suggestions to explore:

  1. Time Audit: Consider a 3–7 day time audit. Jot down how you spend each 15-60 minutes. The results might surprise you. You're not alone in this revelation!

  2. Top Priorities: Compare your activities with your top 5 time priorities. Is your time aligned with what truly matters to you?

  3. Conscious Choices: It's perfectly fine to indulge in Netflix and social media if that's your choice. No judgment here. However, if your dream calls, make a conscious decision to prioritize it. Carve out time on your calendar and protect it.

Let's talk about my dream of learning French. It brings me immense joy, and I envision spending part of my retirement days in France. At first, I'd tell myself, "I don't have time for this now." But that's a lie my brain likes to tell me. I absolutely have 5-15+ minutes a day to learn a few words and sentences on the Duolingo App. And 5-15 minutes a day over a few years will add up to hitting my goal. I’m taking small manageable steps that fit within my schedule.

So, what dream or goal can you advance today? Break it down into 5-15 minutes a day.

Remember, you hold the power to shape your time and pursue your dreams. Every small step counts. Keep chasing those dreams!

Ready to reclaim your time and supercharge your dream pursuit? Schedule a free discovery call with me. Click the link below.

If you missed the first 9 weeks of our series on common obstacles to your big dreams and goals, you can catch up on them here: 

#1 Perfectionism

#2 Lack of Clarity

#3 Judgement from Others

#4 Low Self-Worth

#5 Overwhelm

#6 Poor Emotional Regulation

#7 Fear of Failure

#8 Poor Planning

#9 Self-Doubt