Dream Blockers: #4 Low Self-Worth

Do you ever find yourself wondering why some dreams never make it past the realm of "someday"? It's a question that often crosses my mind, and it inspired me to embark on a 10-part series dedicated to identifying and conquering those dream blockers. Together, let's unleash our determination and chase our big dreams with unwavering passion!

Pursuing our dreams and achieving our goals is an extraordinary journey that demands dedication, resilience, and a profound belief in ourselves. However, along the way, we encounter roadblocks that can leave us feeling stuck. This week, we're delving deep into the topic of low self-worth and its impact on prioritizing our dreams. But fret not, my friend! We're not only going to shine a light on this obstacle but also discover three empowering strategies to overcome it and unlock our true potential.

So buckle up, get ready to ignite your inner fire, and let's embark on this transformative journey together!

Understanding the Impact of Low Self-Worth:

Self-worth is the intrinsic recognition and belief in one's inherent value, deservingness, and importance as a unique individual.

Low self-worth can manifest as persistent feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt, making us believe our dreams are out of reach or not important enough to prioritize. It undermines our confidence, inhibits action-taking, and leads to self-sabotage. Recognizing the impact of low self-worth is the first step towards positive change. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your self-worth? Where would you like it to be? 

Here Are Three Strategies for Overcoming Low Self-Worth:


  1. Cultivate Self-Care:

    Prioritize yourself, dear dreamer! Engaging in activities that bring you joy and align with your true self is a game-changer. Whether it's pursuing hobbies, spending time in nature, practicing mindfulness, or creating a relaxing self-care routine, these actions send a powerful message: you deserve love, attention, and the pursuit of your dreams. Start with one small self-care practice that resonates with you and make it a regular part of your life.

    For example, I take a weekly beach tennis class with my husband that is fun, social, and in pursuit of one of my goals this year.

  2. Set and Enforce Boundaries:

    It's time to reclaim your power and protect your dreams. Setting boundaries is crucial for cultivating self-worth. Learn to say no, express your needs, and establish clear boundaries that honor your time, energy, and emotional well-being. Remember, prioritizing your dreams isn't selfish—it's essential for personal growth. Start by setting one small boundary this week and ensure that you stick to it.

    For example, I finally set boundaries with my husband on where I was willing to live a few years ago and we worked towards a solution together.

  3. Challenge Negative Self-Talk

    Let's banish those negative thoughts! Negative self-talk reinforces low self-worth and holds us back from pursuing our dreams. Become aware of your self-critical inner dialogue and question its validity. Replace negative thoughts with positive, empowering thoughts that resonate with your true potential. Celebrate your strengths, acknowledge your progress, and always remind yourself that your dreams are valid and worthy of pursuit.

    For example, when learning to swim in the ocean, I noticed  thoughts like "I can't swim through those waves" and reframed them into thoughts I could believe in like "I can learn how to do this."


I'll never forget when one of my early coaches, Brooke Castillo, reminded me that our self-worth is innate. You don't earn it or lose it, because you are born with it. It is always available to you to embrace and believe in. I choose to believe this.

Conquering low self-worth is a transformative journey that requires patience, persistence, and self-reflection. Recognizing the negative impact of low self-worth on your dreams is a significant first step. Embrace your inherent worthiness and unlock a world of possibilities and personal growth. Believe in yourself, dear adventurer, for greatness awaits. Your dreams are calling—go forth with all your heart and chase them unreservedly!

Stay tuned for week five, where we'll tackle another dream blocker. Keep dreaming big and remember, you can do this! And if you want some support along the way, set up a call with me. I’d love to help you.  Email me here.

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If you missed the first three weeks of the series, you can catch up on them here: 

#1 Perfectionism

#2 Lack of Clarity

#3 Judgement from Others