Dream Blockers: #2 Lack of Clarity

Welcome to Week Two of My Series on Overcoming Dream Blockers and Pursuing Your Big Dreams and Goals

Welcome back! I hope you've been finding the series on overcoming dream blockers informative and inspiring. In today's blog post, we’ll delve into lack of clarity and it’s impact on your big dreams and goals.

#2 Lack of Clarity

Clarity is key to achieving your dreams. Without a clear vision of what you really want, it's easy to get side-tracked, lost, or overwhelmed. So take the time to reflect, define your goals, and visualize the path ahead in as much detail as possible. If you can see it, it’s easier to achieve it.

Seems like common sense, right? But so many people gloss over this stage.

When was the last time you set aside time to connect with your dream, visualize it in detail, and reflect on your heart-felt reasons for pursuing it (otherwise known as your deep WHY!)?

If you haven’t made much progress on your dream so far, revisit this step. When you clearly know what you want, you can figure out what the next step is in achieving it.

Clarity is both a guiding light and energetic fuel along your big dream journey. It will help reveal the path ahead of you and give you the motivation to overcome obstacles along the way.

How to Find Clarity:

Here are 3 ways to get started on finding clarity around your big dreams and goals.

  1. Listen to Your Heart:

    Find an activity like breathwork, yoga, hiking, exercise, fireplace, or music, etc., that helps you get out of your head and into your body. Something that quiets your overactive critical monkey brain and helps you tap into your authentic self. Connect with your heart and listen to what it has to say with openness and curiosity. Keep track of what comes up no matter how far-fetched it may sound to you at the moment. Revisit this exercise multiple times.

  2. Find Your Deep Why:

    Reflect on your personal reasons for achieving this goal. What is motivating you to pursue it? Why is this so important to you? Do you like your reasons? Will they carry and motivate you through the inevitable challenges ahead?

  3. Visualize Your Dream in Detail:

    Visualize in detail what it would be like to achieve this goal. Paint a picture that includes details like location, people, feelings, how you are dressed, how you carry yourself, etc. Write it all down and visit it regularly. I also like creating an audio recording describing my dream that I can listen to and be motivated by.

Please note that clarity takes time. Embrace self-discovery and growth. Be patient and celebrate each small step forward. Clarity emerges as you take action and stay committed.

Join me next week as we tackle another dream blocker. Remember, you have the power to conquer any obstacle and transform your dreams into reality. If you’d like help along the way, reach out to me. I’d love to help. Email me to connect.

P.S. If you missed last week's blog on perfectionism, click here.