Dream Blockers: #3 Fear of Judgement From Others

Welcome to week three of our 10-part series on crushing those dream blockers and chasing your big dreams like a boss! 

Today, we're tackling the notorious fear of judgment - that sneaky little voice that whispers, "What will they think if you go after your dreams?"

Let's face it, we're social beings who crave acceptance and validation. It's only natural to care about what others think. We want to belong, and seeking approval while dodging criticism is part of that game.

But here's the thing: societal norms and cultural influences play a role in shaping our concerns about judgment. We're bombarded with expectations and standards, making us second-guess our choices. Stepping outside the lines can trigger that fear of being judged like a contestant on a reality show.

Now, don't beat yourself up about it! Our brains are wired this way, thanks to our ancient self-preservation instincts. Back in the day, being accepted by the group was a matter of survival. Though survival isn't hanging in the balance anymore, our brains still perceive social rejection as a threat to our well-being. So be gentle with yourself. You’re just being human.

But guess what? You don't have to let the fear of judgment hold you back. It's time to give that fear a run for its money and unleash your true potential. 

Here are three kick-ass ways to conquer the fear of judgment:

1) Embrace Diversity of Opinions:

Repeat after me: opinions are like funky socks—everyone's got 'em, and they're all different! What one person sees as a crazy idea, someone else might see as pure genius. Your dreams and worthiness are not defined by someone else's judgment. Embrace the beautiful fact that different perspectives exist and hold tight to your belief in the value of your dreams. Trust your gut!

2) Cultivate Self-Assurance:

Picture yourself as a rockstar, because that's what you are! Believe in your abilities, talents, and kick-ass ideas. You bring a unique flavor to the table, and that's something to celebrate. When you have unshakable self-belief, the judgments of others crumble like a stale cookie. Stay laser-focused on your goals and trust that you've got what it takes to make them happen—no matter what the naysayers might think.

3) Rally Your Support Squad: 

Surround yourself with your dream cheerleaders—the ones who lift you up, inspire you, and remind you of your incredible awesomeness. Seek out folks who understand the value of chasing dreams. When doubts start tap-dancing in your mind, your support squad will be there to bust out some killer moves and boost your spirits. With these amazing people by your side, you'll be equipped to power through any fear of judgment that tries to crash your party.

So, my dream-chasing warrior, fear of judgment be damned! Embrace your uniqueness, believe in yourself, and gather your cheerleaders. Let's rock this journey together and show the world what you're made of!

Stay tuned for week four, where we'll tackle another dream blocker with the force of a superhero. Keep dreaming big and remember, you can do this! And if you want some support along the way, set up a call with me. I’d love to help you.  Email me here.

Melody Woolford