Digital Detox: What I Learned When I Turned Everything Off [Part 1]

Sometimes the healthiest thing you can do is turn everything off. That's why I took several months off from blogging, social media, and most of my tracking apps. I needed headspace, away from the endless noise of our online world.

On one level, it was freeing. I connected with people face-to-face, worked out without tracking every step, and enjoyed the simple pleasure of leaving my phone at home.

But it was also uncomfortable. My body craved the dopamine hits of constant scrolling. Boredom, restlessness, and even low-level anxiety crept in. At times, I wanted to bury those feelings with food, alcohol, or endless Netflix, but I mostly resisted. Distractions only mask what's truly going on inside.

Lessons Learned

I don’t see these challenges as a failure; it’s simply feedback. Data to process. Challenges are normal. It’s part of our human experience. We may not be able to avoid them, but we sure can control our responses to them.

My journey is about learning to respond to life's challenges with more clarity, compassion, and healthy choices. That always starts with AWARENESS – noticing what's really going on, getting curious, and being kind to myself along the way. Going on a digital detox helped create more space for this awareness and discovery. My ongoing mental fitness practice is certainly giving me the tools and framework to help me navigate the journey with more ease and wisdom.

Reflection: Have you ever tried a digital detox? What were your biggest takeaways? Share below!

Intrigued by the idea of a digital detox, but not sure how to stick with it? Stay tuned! Next week I'll be sharing what helped me stay committed to my tech break.